Blog Post

The very beginning

Sandra Gutiérrez Valiente • 12 de diciembre de 2019

And how did all start, you might ask...

After all these years, all these battles, looks like we finally are getting somewhere. Soon we will have our first visit and our dream will be real.
But how did all start? When did all start? Oh, man, it started long time ago. So long ago, that it seems to be a different life.
In 2014 we spent one of the most exciting years in our lives, but probable one of the hardest too. That was our first year in London. This hate-love relationship with the city almost teared us apart, so we came back home , most certainly one of the hugest mistakes we ever made in many many ways. However, without coming back, we might have not found our life project, our common goal. We probably wouldn't have stay together and strong all these years.
During 2015, and after London, we realised how much we loved nature, how much we appreciated our time and what an amazing time we make. We started building Miguel's family business and realised how good we could be doing the same thing in our own. And what better place to live and spend the rest of our lives but surrounded by nature, by rivers, beaches, forests... Whats more, what a better place to have a Bed an Breakfast in Spain but Asturias? There is literally none.
That way we decided our future, together. However, the path to get there wasn't as simply nor easy. How do you get that amount of money with a depressing and incredibly underpaid job without putting ourselves in debts forever? Well, that's when our experience in London came into play. We knew how easy saving money was, so we made our calculations and... well, we faced our families reaction. Nobody was really happy about the idea of "losing us" for another 2 years, "we just came back". But we did it anyway, because for us there was no other way.
No one there really realised the difficult year we had back home, much worse than the one we experienced in London the first time. So yes, it was incredibly hard leaving family and friends behind but at the same time we couldn't wait to leave our lives there and start building our dream.
Since then, its been 4 years, many obstacles saved, many trips with no sleep, many failed viewings, many tears and many ups and downs; but it's been an awesome travel, full of friends and family, so many new people I can't imagine our lives without. With all of them, all of you, we want to share or trip.

Welcome to our blog, Welcome to our world.

Donde comer en Asturias
Por Sandra Gutiérrez Valiente 5 de agosto de 2022
Asturias, dónde comer. En Asturias vamos a encontrar muchos bares y restaurantes, chigres y sidrerias y de todos los que hemos probado, hemos escogido nuestros 26 lugares favoritos donde comer en Asturias. A disfrutar y ¡¡puxa Asturias!!
Concejo de Piloña
Por Miguel Sánchez 8 de junio de 2021
El Concejo de Piloña, se sitúa en la unión entre la costa, el oriente y el centro de Asturias. Piloña, cuya capital es Infiesto, es un concejo montañoso y regado por innumerables ríos y arroyos como el río de la Marea o el río Infierno. Cumbres que se elevan por encimas de las nubes o cuevas que se entierran cientos de metros. Experimenta Piloña a traves del turismo activo y turismo cultural acompañado por guías expertos haciendo de Finca La Naguada, tu casa rural en Infiesto.
casa rural en infiesto
Por Miguel Sánchez 7 de junio de 2021
El tiempo en Infiesto. Échale un vistazo al tiempo en Infiesto unos días antes de comenzar vuestra estancia en vuestra casa rural en Infiesto, Asturias.
Carretera AS-254 desde Infiesto a tu casa rural en Asturias, Finca La Naguada
Por Miguel Sánchez 9 de marzo de 2021
La localización de tu casa rural es una factor clave a la hora de elegir tu alojamiento para familia, niños y mascotas. Imagina un viaje de varias horas, cargado de ilusión y con el maletero de tu coche lleno para pasar una escapa rural con encanto. Imagina que solo quedan diez kilómetros para llegar pero aún queda media hora hasta vuestro destino. La carretera tiene una pendiente pronunciada, con muchas curvas, alguna de ellas muy cerradas. Esta cayendo la noche y apenas se ve...comienza el estrés y a cuestionar ¿por qué elegir esta casa rural? Respuestas a estas preguntas y más en esta entrada de DreamBig, WorkHard
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